A high-quality education is one of the most important things that we can provide a child. Exposure to a variety of topics, people, and adventures all contribute to a fulfilling school experience.
This web site is a terrific way to access the information you need about our school, as well as serving as an educational resource. Whether you're currently enrolled or just curious about what we have to offer, you're sure to find a wealth of helpful information.

St. Francis Senior High Technical School is situated in the central part of Akim Oda New Town in a suburb called Jamaica, off the Roman Catholic Church. It was established in the year 1967 by the late Rev. Fr. Francis Beemsterbor, an American Catholic Priest as a Middle School. He registered it under the St. Francis Catholic Mission with LABOUR, HONESTY AND PEACE as its motto.
Over the years, both teachers and students have shown a high level of commitment to academic work. The school always scores 100% in the May/June WASSCE. Since our School falls under the category of under privileged, six (6) best students (3 boys, 3 Girls) are offered free admission into the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) every year since 2004.

07 JAN
School re-opens on Saturday 07th Jan., 2017. Reporting time is 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Students who fail to report on the re-opening day must report with their parents.
25 DEC
All subject masters must finish keying-in their marks on 25th Dec. 2017. Late entry will never be entertained.
Post Office Box 209, Akim Oda, Eastern Region, Ghana, West Africa
Tel: +233 20 850 8516
Tel: +233 24 643 5900
July 30, 2023
News Coming Soon....
July 23, 2023
News Coming Soon....
July 12, 2023
News Coming Soon....
12 JAN
General Staff meeting with the Headmistress shall come off on the 14th April, 2017. Time : 9:00AM Prompt. All must attend.